Dark roofs and walls in Miami are a bad idea

Dark roofs in Miami are a bad idea.

Remember the shocking wave of heat when you get out of your car in a freshly asphalted treeless parking lot? Now imagine building your house with that black asphalt. In Finland it’s cool, in Miami it is dumb.

A matte black surface is ideal at absorbing the sun's radiation, making it hot while a white or highly reflective surface reflects that radiation, reducing its temperature. This is discussed a lot regarding the polar ice caps. The white polar ice caps reflect solar radiation. The dark ocean absorbs solar radiation. As the white solar ice caps disappear and the dark ocean surface takes its place, radiation is absorbed by the ocean rather than reflected back into space and the atmosphere warms.
These infrared images are from my energy auditing days and this was at the home of a man who owned a roofing company. He had a dark grey roof (155°) while his neighbor had a light colored roof (112° ). Even though you don’t spend time on your roof this heat affects the way your home works.

  1. Dark roofs or walls raise the temperature in and around your house

  2. Dark roofs create hot attics (where your AC ducts run)

  3. Efflorescence is light colored (The chalky residue that you find on masonry walls)

  4. Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors

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